Another Day in Crypto #143 - Jump Counter Exploit Story by Blockworks, Jack Inabinet, innitt_ & Factor DAO - and DeFi News & Videos
Curating some crypto content from around the web.
Hello everyone,
How are you? Hope you’re well!
As always - this is most definitely Not Financial Advice.
Everything I express here is only my opinion, and represents my perception of the market, eco systems and communities. And people.
Do not treat any of it as an absolute fact - please do your own due diligence.
Ok, let’s look at some interesting stuff I found for today.
First - the Blockworks Research story about Jump allegedly performing a counter exploit to the Wormhole exploiter.
Let’s let the tweets tell the story.

Blockworks Research shared this thread (these are just some of the tweets in it:

The article by Dan Smith and Jon Rice -

Let’s look at some responses.

DeFi Alex added:

We’ll get back to him later on.
Romy tweeted:

Let’s look at the tweet Romy quoted and one of the discussions about it:

Ok, I’m sure a lot more is going to be written on that.
Next story - Jack Inabinet published this - saying that Factor DAO is a scam.
Let’s look at the thread (parts of it), the responses, and some of the discussions about it.
I will leave it to you - as usual - to decide what you think.

Jack quoted innitt_:

For those interested, this is the full thread by innitt_ -

Ok, back to Jack’s thread:

Jack continued:
And added:

Later on, hea dded these:

Neil replied to Jack’s thread:

Neil shared Kurapika’s thread (again, these are just some of the tweets):


Let’s look at what Factor tweeted as well:

blyskwoku replied:

Jack added:

Btw, also want to share this regarding stuff related to Factor:

El reply guy was blunt.

Defi Moon mentioned the Spool issue on Camelot’s tweet:

And innitt_ was blunter -
Let’s see how this one develops as well.
Ok, moving on.
Next story I want to share is this one about Arcadeum -

I asked:

Thanks ser!

ad_arbitrum added:

Ok, moving on - onto some DeFi threads, news, updates, videos and stuff.
Let’s start with Chinchilla’s thread:

Next - Schizoxbt made me notice this tweet:

Next up - another thing purplepill made me notice other than the opening story - is this:

Next up - some Arbitrum news - magicGLP now listed on Vendor Finance:

Ok, what about these videos I mentioned?
Let’s begin:

The video:
Next -

The video:
And - a quite unrelated one, at least not directly, yet imo, a very relevant show - the All In Podcast.

The video:
Alright, another one - the classic Bankless weekly roll up:
Alright, back to tweets.
This is another discussion (or a couple) I want to share with you.
I’m in it for the tech made me notice this:

Let’s look at what he’s referring to.
This was replied to CLG on this tweet.

CLG replied:

Paulean asked:

CLG replied again and added one of his recent threads -

This one about RWA:

Ok, back to the response to the original tweet by “I’m in it for the tech” -

Alright. Speaking of Chainlink - a good place to add Minty’s thread -

Next - Pedro made me notice this by Subli - another one of his newsletters is out! (pedro is the designer I believe)

The article:
Speaking of articles - what about the GOAT?

The article:
And - the llama party:
Another interesting story - by another llama - is this one by Isabell Hunter:

And if you want some more updates - another llama can assist:

Alright, let’s start wrapping up.
I told you we’ll get back to DeFi Alex.

The tweet by TCB:

DeFi Alex added:


Another nice tweet:
And let’s end this one with some wisdom by Mohandez:

Thanks for reading everyone, have a great day!
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